Nutrition Tips for Your Body

 Nutrition Tips for Your Body

Why is nutrition important for you?

  • It helps to reduce risk of diabetes, stroke, cardiac diseases and many more.
  • Keeps cholesterol in control
  • Improves body's immunity 
  • Improves overall well-being of the body

Here are some tips to get good nutritions to your body

  • Drink ALOT of water 

Drinking water helps maintain the balance of Body Fluids. Water can control calories as a way of substituting high calorie beverages. Water also helps with dehydration of the body, keeping it glowing and moisture. So drink at least 2 liters / 1/2 gallon of water daily.

  • Avoid eating processed food 
There are many health risk by eating processed food. It increases cancer risk. It has way too much sugar, sodium and fat. It is full of artificial ingredients. It has dense calorie and it is addicting that makes you want to eat more. 

  • Eat enough vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables have a good source of vitamins that are needed by the body to function well. They are low in calorie and they provide good fiber that keeps your digestive system happy. 

  • Eat Nuts

It reduces the risk of cardiac diseases and diabetes. The nutrients found in nuts are responsible for reducing heart related diseases by 1/3. 

